Buy Hemp Bombs CBD Vape Tanks 300MG



Hemp Bombs CBD Vape Tanks UK

Hemp Bombs CBD Vape Tanks

A pre-configured solution for vapers looking to incorporate CBD into their routine. Vape Tanks are user-friendly and don’t require the maintenance of other vape devices. Simply attach the universal 510 thread to a battery to begin use. Order yours and start enjoying Vape Tank Cartridges right out of the package. Also made of quality durable glass, not plastic.

As always, Hemp Bombs uses premium ingredients for sourcing and production. Our products are manufactured with CBD Isolate and do not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC. Our product quality and expertise is unrivaled in the CBD industry.

Supplement Facts
Cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from European Hemp 300 mg
Vegetable Glycerine
Propylene Glycol

What is CBD?

CBD, or Cannabidiol – a compound derived from Cannabis, or Hemp. Therefore legally compliant, CBD is sourced from the stalks of low-THC, Industrial Hemp. Found to have many therapeutic effects for its users because of the way it interacts with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, with CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, some of the reported benefits are better sleep, pain relief, and overall improvement in mood.

 Benefits Of CBD?


Stress Relief

Anxiety Relief

Also Great night’s sleep

Post-workout recovery

Additional information

Hemp Bombs

Arctic Spearmint Blast, Bangin Fruity Bedrock, Crisp Honeydew Melon, Crushed Pineapple Paradise, Exotic Watermelon, Farm Fresh Strawberry Milk, Glazed Chocolate Donut, Roasted Colombian Coffee, Sugar Cookie Kryptonite, Sweet Mango Seduction, Vanilla Cupcake Swirl, Whipped Marshmellow Dream, Wild Blueberry Jam




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